Things to do in Quarantine|Lifestylebyamandaa

a photo reads 'stay at home'

Hello guys, 

I hope you are doing well. 

Quarantine has got us out of our groove and at this point we are all just looking at some ways to pass time without constantly binging endless shows on Netflix (or whatever other streaming platform you choose). Contrary to this, there are millions of posts on instagram and pretty sure in the blogging-world for tips to keep us motivated and productive. While many people out there are doing more, some of us are not going to be motivated to do the same. Some of us just want to do the most mindless things because being at home, either by ourselves or with a family is exhausting and our way of self care was moving out of the house and keeping our mind engaged with minimal human interaction. 

Here are some things that you can do while being in quarantine which is not binge watching tv shows/ movies or having hour long group chats, rather somethings that you can do within the comfort of your own time and space. 

  1. Declutter

Over the years, we tend to accumulate a lot of things. From makeup to clothes and random things around the house that you don’t use or never used. Try to clear one portion of your house every day, say you decide to go through all your lipsticks and pass them down to a friend/sister or throw them away if it has expired. Similarly with your clothes and every other item in your house.

  1. Wardrobe

With decluttering, the huge space that we tend to ignore is our wardrobe. Please look into donating or passing it to a friend so that clothes can get their maximum use. Also look into keeping classic pieces or items that can be worn in different ways, so that you are able to reduce your individual waste.

  1. Clear your phone

Over the years you have come to follow a number of accounts on social media, many of which don’t align with your personality today, unfollow them. You have also gathered a number of contacts on your phone, go through them and clear the ones that you aren’t in touch and reconnect with the ones you have just lost a little touch with. 

  1. Down Memory Lane

With the invention of smartphone photography, we do not have physical copies of photos that we take but tons of photos that occupy a lot of space on our phones. Go through your phone, keep a copy of the photo that you’d like to get printed and make sure you get them done post lockdown. Make sure to also delete unwanted or duplicate photos of the same. 

  1. Cook/Bake

A lot of us would like to cook food start to finish by ourselves on a regular basis. But usually we are in a hurry that we do not end up doing it or trying new recipes that we can add to our knowledge. Take out an easy recipe from youtube, one of those 5 ingredient ones and give it a go.
Baking is a much more precise task.  While I personally have never had any issues with baking, the preciseness of ingredient measurements can throw people off. You don’t even need to have an oven nowadays, start with something small, mug cakes that can be made in a microwave oven and you won’t be wasting a lot of things, if it doesn’t come out well. 

  1. Learn

You can sign up for some free classes on coursera or some youtube channels depending on your area of interest. If you are willing to spend a bit more you can try udemy or skillshare

  1. Exercise

The fitness community on instagram has gone super active and they are posting much more than usual. If you have always wanted to get into an exercise routine but never been able to fit it in, this would be the ideal time. Just remember a workout can be as short as 7 minutes to 40 minutes long. So you have a wide range to choose from.
Some of the accounts I follow: 

  1. Draw

Drawing is one of those things that makes you think only about that and puts everything else in mind at silence. You can use anything lying around the house to draw, and get a new hobby, maybe? Mandala art is becoming increasingly popular, here’s my pinterest board, give it a look?

  1. Bucket list

No one could have ever predicted this virus disrupting people’s lives. Hence plans have changed. Make a new bucket list, new places to visit, once things settle down. 

  1. Rest

If you work or have been working too much, this is your time to rest. Learn to log off for the day post work. Friends around me seem to work endless hours. So learn to not work like a robot.

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Loads of love

Take care


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